
The Blog of the Friendswood, TX, USA Annicattu House.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

some downloadable Christmas Carols:

"Artist", "Album", "URL", "Song Name", "Duration (hh:mm:ss)", "Bit Rate (kbps)", "Comments", "Notes", "Column 09", "Column 10"
"Sandy Patty", "Unknown", "http://www.sandypatty.com/radioshow/episode1.mp3", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
"Annie Moses Band", "Ditto", "http://www.anniemosesband.com/multimedia/bHoBflash/10.mp3", "", "", "", "Only ten songs in this album", "All ten songs can be downloaded!", "", ""
"Bethany Dillon", "Unexpected Gifts", "http://www.hearitfirst.com/globals/SignUp.aspx", "", "", "", "you get Bethany Dillon sining God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen when you sign up for this newsletter.", "In two formats\, .wma & .m4a", "", ""
"Max Lucado", "God Came Near", "http://maxlucado.net/media/gcn/GodCameNear02.mp3", "O Come All Ye Faithful\, Hark The Herald", "", "", "This being a part of his podcast.", "So Far three of his podcasts have been Christmas Carols\, GodCameNear03.mp3\, and GodCameNear06.mp3 being the other two.", "", ""
"Sandy Patty", "Unknown", "http://www.sandypatty.com/radioshow/episode2.mp3", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
"Sandy Patty", "Unknown", "http://www.sandypatty.com/radioshow/episode3.mp3", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
"Sandy Patty", "Unknown", "http://www.sandypatty.com/radioshow/episode4.mp3", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
"Annie Moses Band", "Bethlehem House of Bread", "http://www.anniemosesband.com/multimedia/bHoBflash/01.mp3", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "00:06:30", "128", "", "Download 06/09/02006", "", ""
"Annie Moses Band", "Ditto", "http://www.anniemosesband.com/multimedia/bHoBflash/02.mp3", "Bethlehem House of Bread", "00:04:28", "96", "", "Ditto.", "", ""
"Annie Moses Band", "ditto", "http://www.anniemosesband.com/multimedia/bHoBflash/03.mp3", "Mary Had a Baby", "", "", "", "", "", ""
"Annie Moses Band", "Ditto", "http://www.anniemosesband.com/multimedia/bHoBflash/04.mp3", "Hark", "", "", "", "", "", ""
"Annie Moses Band", "", "http://www.anniemosesband.com/multimedia/bHoBflash/05.mp3", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
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